RED 2017
To begin our year, we organised fundraising and publicity events
such as college-wide sales and charity dinner. Our members dedicated themselves to the design of Christmas cards, which were sold to college members and staff.
Our major fundraising event was the joint charity dinner with student societies at Imperial College London namely Enactus Imperial, Raincatcher Imperial, Engineers Without Borders and TedEx Imperial. It was an end-of-term event in December 2016 which offered members across different societies to share their volunteering experience whilst indulging themselves with exquisite Malaysian cuisine at Melur London.
For the flagship event, a group of eighteen volunteers from Imperial College London travelled to Sabah, Malaysian Borneo for five weeks to construct a kindergarten for a native Dusun
community in Kampung Palipikan. A tranquil village in the Kota Marudu district, Kampung Palipikan is in the northern region of the Sabah state and houses about 500 people.
Over the course of the 5-week expedition, we constructed a single-storey cement fibre board on the exterior and gypsum board on the interior. Resting on a reinforced concrete pad, the education centre has a large central hall as classroom. Furthermore the education centre houses a pantry for teacher to prepare snacks and a storage room. The latter facilities are roughly 3 metres by 3 metres in dimension. Steel trusses covered by metal sheets with wool insulation provide sufficient shade for the structure under torrid noonday sun.
To find out more on what we achieved this year, please click on the link below.